$0.00 raised ~ goal of: $2,000.00

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Please help provide our students with new textbooks and supplies.

Our students need new textbooks and supplies yearly. While your sponsorship significantly helps with the yearly cost of this, we are asking for additional donations to ensure we have enough for all of the new students we are anticipating.

Students all over Haiti, including at our school, use workbooks that combine reading and student writing. We encourage the use of wet-erasable sheets, individual blackboards and composition books to practice their skills. In turn, this cuts down on the amount of supplies we require year after year.

However, all of these go through significant wear and tear with the number of students we serve and the Haitian weather - the heat, cold and dampness.

Our goal is to raise $2,000 so we can refresh our textbooks and supplies. Your gift goes a very long way in helping students study and progress as they should.

Every donation helps, and we appreciate it! Thank you!


$33 for 4 books $25 for 3 books $20 for 2 books $12 for 1 book Choose Your Amount

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New Textbooks

$33 for 4 books $25 for 3 books $20 for 2 books $12 for 1 book Choose Your Amount


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